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Message from the Director

Gabriela Wilson




Gabriela Wilson, PhD, MSc, FHIMSS, FIAHSI, SNAI

Director, Louisiana Center for Health Innovation; Professor, Dr. J. Robert Rivet Endowed Chair & Acadian Ambulance Service/BORSF Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Health Informatics, College of Nursing & Health Sciences




Welcome to the Louisiana Center for Health Innovation (LCHI), where our commitment begins with the community. The most impactful healthcare innovations start by listening to and understanding the needs of the people we serve. At LCHI, our mission is to put the community first by developing research, education, and engagement activities that directly address Louisiana's health challenges.

Our work is grounded in the belief that advancing healthcare outcomes and promoting health equity requires more than just technological breakthroughs—it requires genuine collaboration with the communities we aim to empower. By partnering with local organizations, industry leaders, and academic institutions, LCHI is uniquely positioned to drive innovation that improves individual health and strengthens our communities' fabric.

Being part of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a Carnegie R1 research institution, gives us the unique advantage of leveraging cutting-edge resources and expertise to drive health innovation that matters. From developing new models of care delivery to exploring the potential of personalized medicine, LCHI is focused on innovations that will make a tangible difference in people’s lives. Our goal is to ensure that the benefits of these advancements reach all members of our community, particularly those who have been historically underserved.

We also recognize that healthcare innovation cannot happen in isolation. That’s why LCHI is deeply committed to workforce development. We are preparing the next generation of healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly complex and technology-driven field. By creating educational and training opportunities that align with the needs of our region, we are helping to build a resilient, skilled workforce that will support Louisiana’s health sector for years to come.

Our vision is clear: Establish LCHI as a leader in healthcare innovation where the community is at the center of everything we do. We aim to create a model of excellence that other regions can emulate, ensuring that community needs drive health innovation and everyone can benefit from it. As the Cajuns say, “Lâche pas la patate!”—“Don’t let go of the potato.” This phrase embodies the resilience and determination we at LCHI embrace as we push forward in our mission to innovate health and empower our communities.

We are proud to be part of a broader ecosystem that includes the Center for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, the National Incident Management Systems and Advanced Technologies, and the NSF Center for Visual and Decision Informatics. 

I invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can achieve more. 

Let's Geaux!
